Children & Young People

Ask About Autism

Service for families across Hampshire & IOW. Supporting children & their families at every stage

Basingstoke Special Educational Needs (SEN) Team

Service dedicated to supporting children & young people with special educational needs and disabilities

Basingstoke Young Carers

giving young carers a break from their caring responsibilities

Children, Young People and Families Team

Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council Representatives from a range of local organisations working together to improve outcomes for children, young people & families

Contact a Family

Guidance and information for families with disabled children

Disability Challengers

Inclusive play and leisure opportunities for disabled children and young people

Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Adaptations in Hampshire

A Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) is available to anyone in the UK who is confirmed by a medical professional as having a permanent and substantial disability

Disabled students helpline

Providing advice to disabled students who are studying in England

Everyone Can

They do assessments to see how using digital technology they can help find practical solutions to improve an individuals level of independence, these assessments are often run in their centre in Manchester but they also do roadshows in other areas which those who cant get to Manchester can attend

Family Support Service

Hampshire County Council service offering support ages 0-25 and their families

Hampshire Parent Carer Network (HPCN)

Offers regular get togethers, talk togethers and learn together services

Independent Provider of Special Education Advice

Free & independent legally based information, advice & support to help get the right education for children & young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They also provide training on the SEND legal framework to parents & carers, professionals & other organisations.

Mindspace Foundation

Counselling services for children, young people & adults

Parability School’s Out

Home Education Resources, Extra Curricular Activities

SENDIASS Hampshire

Impartial Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)


An advisory service helping parents and carers seeking further support for their SEN child, they listen to concerns and can advise on SEN legislation. They also run services for EHCPs, advisory teacher support and post 16 planning.

YPI Counselling

Free confidential counselling service for children aged 11-25 and their parents to talk about difficulties they face