BDDF Survey

Giving Disabled people a voice

About the Survey

This survey is being conducted by Basingstoke & District Disability Forum (BDDF). We want to learn about you and your experiences as a Disabled person living in Basingstoke. We want to understand the barriers you face and how we can help to support you.

We will be using the findings to influence and develop local services for Disabled people in Basingstoke in the future. The results of the survey will be shared with the voluntary sector and Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC), and other public service providers.

Following this survey we will be conducting focus groups to add to the information we collect. The survey is anonymous, but if you would be happy to be contacted to tell us more about the barriers you face or to be part of our follow up focus groups, please provide your contact details.

If you need a break at any point, the survey can be saved and returned to. It is not necessary to complete all sections to submit the survey.

Paper copies of this survey can be provided in large print and easy read formats, contact 01256 423869.

Many thanks for taking part.

dark pink writing that says click here and a light pink arrow pointing to the next image to click on
A cartoon of 5 disabled people, 4 standing and 1 in a wheelchair at the front , 1 standing on the left has a guide dog and another has a electric tablet

“Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. We hope it will make a big impact & improve services for Disabled people in Basingstoke.’’

— Ani Spalding, BDDF Chair